Austria and other German-speaking European markets can benefit immensely by striking strategic partnerships with start-ups and IT and ITES companies in Kerala, according to Austrian Trade Commissioner and Commercial Counsellor Hans-Joerg Hoertnagl.
“India could be an excellent partner for Austria in IT/ITES services,” Mr Hoertnagl said during a visit to Technopark in the city.
“The German-speaking market is the largest in European Union (EU) after the exit of the U.K., and Austria is the heart of that ecosystem,” he said during an interaction with officials of Technopark and representatives of the Group of Technology Companies (G-Tech), Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) and the ICT Academy.
Four start-up delegations from India visited Austria in the recent past to explore the German-speaking market, Mr. Hoertnagl said. “For start-ups, Austria offers all support, including assistance from nine regional chambers and the Austrian Business Agency. A start-up hub has been set up at the University of Vienna to foster entrepreneurship among students,” he added.
Eapen Tony, CEO, G-Tech; members of the G-Tech business focus group; and Muraleedharan Manningal, CEO, ICT Academy Kerala; were among those present.