In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna through two verses (Chapter 10 sloka 4 Buddhir jnanam) and sloka 5 (Ahimsa samatha) how people are bestowed with different attributes. Valayapettai Sri Ramachariar said in a discourse that all the functions (either in action or inaction) are from Him alone. The various traits are: Buddhi — intelligence — the powers of the mind to determine. Jnana — knowledge — the ability to differentiate between sentient and non-sentient. Asammatha — non-delusion — the capacity to perceive a thing as such instead of wrongly identifying it as something else. Kshama — patience — when provoked by others to become angry, restraining ourselves is called patience. Sathyam — speaking about things as they are seen and speaking good to others. Damaha — restraint — controlling the faculties.
Samaha — self-control — bringing the mind under control. Sukham — pleasure — experience of what is agreeable. Dukham — pain — experience of what is adverse. Bhava — exaltation. Abhava — depression — state of mind caused by adversities. Bhayam — fear — perception to suffer in future. Abhayam — fearlessness — no such feelings to suffer. Ahimsa — non-violence — avoidance of the cause of being sorrowful to others. Samatha — equanimity — treat both good and bad alike. Thushti — cheerfulness — to feel pleased with everything seen. Tapa — austerity — not indulging in mundane pleasures and abiding by scriptural codes of conduct. Daanam — beneficence — giving charity to others. Yasa — name and fame. Ayasa — infamy. These are granted to people according to their past deeds (karma) based on His volition. People who develop devotion to God are destined to obtain more good qualities, which help them remove the hurdles that stand in the way of deriving His blessings.