Article & News

Day: September 16, 2024

Selena Gomez Lupus Symptoms Explained; Autoimmune Disease | Lupus Treatment | सेहतनामा- अरबपति सिंगर सेलेना गोमेज कभी मां नहीं बन सकतीं: कारण ऑटोइम्यून डिजीज लूपस, इस बीमारी में शरीर क्यों बन जाता दुश्मन

30 मिनट पहलेलेखक: गौरव तिवारी कॉपी लिंक प्रसिद्ध अमेरिकन सिंगर और बिजनेस वुमेन सेलेना गोमेज ने सितंबर की शुरुआत में ब्लूमबर्ग बिलेनियर की सूची में

Monsoon Home Silan Dampness Tips; Moss Fungus Health Risks (How To Prevent) | जरूरत की खबर- घर की सीलन से इंफेक्शन का खतरा: घर को सीलन से बचाएं, फर्नीचर को सुरक्षित रखने के 6 टिप्स जरूरी

11 मिनट पहलेलेखक: संदीप सिंह कॉपी लिंक साल 2020 में इंग्लैंड में एक दो साल के बच्चे की मौत हो गई थी। कारण था घर

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Antti VillanenPosition:                                   Member of the Board Notification type:                      Initial notificationIssuer Name:                

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Jussi TähtinenPosition:                                   CEO Notification type:                      Initial notificationIssuer Name:                             Nitro Games

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Matti NikkolaPosition:                                   CFO Notification type:                      Initial notificationIssuer Name:                             Nitro Games

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Samppa RönkäPosition:                                   CTO Notification type:                      Initial notificationIssuer Name:                             Nitro Games

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Nordisk Games A/SPosition:                                   The closely associated person Person discharging managerial responsibilities in

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Johan BiehlPosition:                                   Chairman of the Board Notification type:                      Initial notificationIssuer Name:                

Nitro Games Oyj: Managers’ Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement Name:                          Advenimus ABPosition:                                   The closely associated person Person discharging managerial responsibilities in issuer:                       

#24-320 Listing of Derivatives at NGM

Information about various derivatives that will be listed at NGM. For more details, see attached file. For further information concerning

Eco Innovations
Women-led development in the Rajya Sabha

Members in the Rajya Sabha during the Monsoon session of Parliament. | Photo Credit: PTI The phrase ‘women-led development’, which was recognised as one of

Relais Group Plc: Share Repurchase 16.9.2024

Relais Group Plc  ANNOUNCEMENT  16.9.2024 Relais Group Plc: Share Repurchase 16.9.2024 In the Helsinki Stock Exchange Trade date           16.9.2024 Bourse trade         Buy Share                  RELAIS Amount